As triathletes, we tend to live very scheduled existences. We have time blocked out for workouts, work, family, workouts, repeat. Uncertainty in our schedule can create high levels of stress and anxiety. And uncertainty is what we are seeing in athlete’s race schedule’s right now. Races are being cancelled or postponed that we have been spending months training for. Races are floating in our annual training plan with question marks on whether they will happen on the scheduled date or even if they will happen at all.
At this point it’s important for us to realize and accept the situation as out of our control and to control what we CAN control. Get out your calendar and rework the timing of your phases of training if necessary. Rework your build and recovery cycles and shift your training goals forward as necessary to work with your new (even if somewhat tentative) race schedule. Make sure there is adequate rest built in because for most of us the length of time you are training and building towards a goal race just got longer.
Meanwhile, take a look at the schedule of virtual races that have come up, including tri/duathlons, running events and cycling events, to put some shorter-term interim goals on your horizon. that will help with motivation and focus.

If your race has been cancelled or postponed until 2021, perhaps look at other options that have moved around on the calendar for 2020 and maybe there is something else that will work for you! If not, simply remember why you love to be fit – not just to race. Train to achieve your own personal best power in your FTP test, your own personal best solo-5km, your best ever 1 mile run interval. There are many options of goals and targets for that list of future personal successes!
Whatever you do, hold onto your identity as an endurance athlete. Don’t lose yourself in this period of uncertainty and confusion. Control what you can control and let go of what you can’t. Stay in touch with endurance athlete friends and training groups and let’s go through this uncertain time together!