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Leisure cycling can give your body and mind a break.

Take a Break from Training

The months at end of the calendar year are a good time to take a break from ‘training’ once the target races are over. Our bodies need recovery time but even more importantly, our brains need to be refreshed. Staying in training mode can easily wear out an athlete’s motivation and interest in putting in the hard efforts required for the next training block.

It can be difficult to step back for athletes who ‘need‘ to be doing something to feel healthy and happy. Whatever is driving that ‘need’ is worth taking a look at. For some athletes, the lack of structure can be disconcerting, especially if it’s tied in with not having a goal. Those athletes might find participating in a local fun or holiday run gives them a purpose to stay active without having to get after a PB or new distance.

Trying out a new sport can fill the gap for athletes who like variety and the social aspect of training. That bootcamp, water aerobics or zumba class might be challenging enough to work up a good sweat without posing the risk of injury. Pickleball….you decide….

Take some time during this phase to reflect honestly on strengths and weaknesses. Off season is perfect for addressing imbalances, skills and persistent ‘niggles’ that can present as injuries when the training load begins to ramp up. Laying down the habit of doing core and full body strength training will pay off. Getting back to doing drills in the pool with a focus on form can start to build better habits and muscle memory that are important to support a strong swim.

A complete mental break might mean doing some easy touring rides, hiking in the woods, participating in a yoga class or chatting with other bobbing heads while pool running. Read about the cycling tours and pro races, new developments in gear technology or races that are being introduced next season.

With enough time away from training – inspiration and motivation are likely to kick in. That’s the time to get out the planning calendar, talk with your coach and set some goals. Then….get back to some foundation work that prepares the body to take on new challenges.

Off season weather usually means indoor workouts. Make the most of them to get stronger.